Tatiana Trapeznikova

And The Magic San Petersburg

Image from Town & Country( click to original)

© Park Inn.com( click to site)

Not speaking the Russian language beyond a basic I truly insist to present this artist , therefore I am going to jump in the pool and just let the image talk.

Tatiana calls herself a beginner , dare to say that she has a beautiful modesty already, out of conventional.

I personally see the works in between of Frida Kahlo and the christian Iconist; a fantasy style reality rooted.

Think that San Petersburg is called the capital of world´s culture or the Cultural Mecca, they just produce amazing things by inertia.

Same with Tatiana, she breathes the culture around her and generously shares with us hints of her unique perspective.

Finished the introduction let’s mention that, to a heart, San Petersburg is among magic places on Earth because it gave birth to my favourite writer, Dostoevsky and other that I hold in admiration, like Gogol, Pushkin or Akhmatova, don´t forget Nabokov please.

Back to arts, I shall let Tatiana on scene, for any to be able to observe and appreciate her incredible point of views.

© Tatiana Trapeznikova

© Tatiana TrapezniKova

“So again we triumph!”

So again we triumph!
Again we do not come!

Our speeches silent,
Our words, dumb.

Our eyes that have not met
Again, are lost;

And only tears forget
The grip of frost.
A wild-rose bush near Moscow

Knows something of
This pain that will be called
Immortal love.

Anna Akhamatova

Photography ©Tatiana Trapeznikova, from San Petersburg

Editor´s gift

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